Peace of the Home: Favorite Recipes
of the Worcester Home Demonstration Group – 70th Anniversary Edition
Order it here on the lulu bookstore!
Worcester's home demonstration group was established before 1920 as a result of federal legislation to support the organization of rural girls, teaching them homemaking and social skills. Each state established a Cooperative Extension Service through their land-grant university, and ours, the University of Vermont, provided resources and personnel for instruction and development for community groups.
In their summer 2022 newsletter, our friends at the Colchester Historical Society note that home demonstration “meetings were typically held monthly in homes, schools, or churches where home demonstration agents gave presentations on topics such as the study of foods and nutrition (growing, canning, and cooking, for example), clothing (sewing and knitting), home management, child care and family life, housing, health, citizenship, economics, government, and rural cultural arts.” In the late 1960s, Worcester’s home demo group morphed into the Worcester Good Neighbors’ Club, which continued community support and encouragement for another twenty years. In 1974, it was named Club of the Year, and the Worcester Historical Society’s collection includes a scrapbook describing its extensive activities. Today, the Worcester Neighborhood Network is a resurrection of this endeavor. |
The Cow That Tried to Swallow a Potato
The Cow That Tried To Swallow a Potato – that’s the history of Worcester, Vermont. Life happened, and often it was quirky and interesting. No big battles, no national movements, no spectacular event - just the everyday lives of hard-working Vermonters trying to get by, and from time to time, producing some noteworthy and unconventional history. Makes a great gift and a genealogist's goldmine, these 360 pages of memories, pictures and historical information is not like any other local history you have ever read.
To order yours, send a check for $25 to the Worcester Historical Society, P.O. Box 329, Worcester, Vermont 05682.
To order yours, send a check for $25 to the Worcester Historical Society, P.O. Box 329, Worcester, Vermont 05682.
Worcester Voices
In 2014, the Worcester, Vermont Historical Society decided to portray some of its illustrious deceased citizens as a part of the popular Fourth of July festivities. Donning period dress, community members stood by the appropriate gravestone in the Village cemetery, sharing an historically accurate script composed by members of the Society. Humor and tragedy are woven into the stories even as they were lived by the characters depicted. This text contains the scripts for these presentations as well as two additional scripts.
To order yours, send a check for $10 to the Worcester Historical Society, P.O. Box 329, Worcester, Vermont 05682.
To order yours, send a check for $10 to the Worcester Historical Society, P.O. Box 329, Worcester, Vermont 05682.
Worcester's Civil War History
The third publication of the Worcester Historical Society, "Worcester's Civil War Warriors,"indexed with ninety-three pages, is available for purchase at $10. The publication features local anecdotes from the era, a chapter describing Eagle Ledge murder of 1863, and numerous pictures of Worcester soldiers as well as abundant family information. It was researched by WHS President J. David Book, who also completed a similar work on Cabot's Civil War Soldiers last year (published by Civil War Enterprises). To order yours, send a check for $10 to the Worcester Historical Society, P.O. Box 329, Worcester, Vermont 05682.
At LEFT: Truman P. Kellogg
Worcester Civil War Soldier and Eagle Ledge farmer
At LEFT: Truman P. Kellogg
Worcester Civil War Soldier and Eagle Ledge farmer
Early History of Worcester, Vermont
Published in 2003 for the town's bicentennial, this volume focuses mostly on town's history from its founding until the Civil War. To order yours, send a check for $5 to the Worcester Historical Society, P.O. Box 329, Worcester, Vermont 05682.
A History of Worcester's Sawmills
Written by Bruce E. Richardson, this book explores the rich history of our town's sawmills. To order yours, send a check for $5 to the Worcester Historical Society, P.O. Box 329, Worcester, Vermont 05682.
Our Home Territory - Traveling Back in Time
The impressive result of the oral history project by the fourth grade of Doty Memorial School, this was published in the spring of 2004. To order yours, send a check for $5 to the Worcester Historical Society, P.O. Box 329, Worcester, Vermont 05682.
The 2007 calendar features Worcester sawmills, and the 2008 calendar included an interesting collection of Worcester people and scenes. Both are free, but we will happily accept donations!